Myrsini Vardopoulou

About the artist
BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE STUDIES 2015 PhD Sociology - Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Topic: The ideological and aesthetic management of Greek postage stamps 1861-1961. 2001 Degree in Engraving from the Athens School of Fine Arts, under the supervision of Yannis Papadakis and Yannis Gourzis. 1994- 1996 Graduate Studies on the Structure and Composition of the Material Texture (Scholarship from the National Scholarship Foundation). 1993 Degree in Painting from the Athens School of Fine Arts, under Professor Nikos Kessanlis (scholarship for all years). 1983- 1987 BAKALO Art & Design College (Graphic Design Department). 2002 Training seminar on Printing, by invitation from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a) TANNOGAWA, in the stamp processing and banknote production departments, and b) OZI of TOKYO, in the final stage of stamp production. EXHIBITIONS 2015 Angelos and Leto Katakouzinos Foundation - Group Exhibition Mykonian Women's Costume - Study in the Aegean Material Culture. http://www.katakouzenos.gr/more_anakoinoseis.php?anakoinoseisid=483 2015 Stamp Days - Anomeritis Library, Naxos. http://www.biblioanom.gr/anakoinose/oloklerotheke-epitukhia-philotelike-ekthesi.html 2014 Letter - Sign, an exhibition of individual stamp designs, Museum of the City of Athens. http://www.athenscitymuseum.gr/gr/drastiriotites/ekdiloseis/provoli-ekdilosis/?evid=86 2012 Nasioutzik Museum – Group exhibition for the ELPIDA Foundation. 2012 Video Art SYNAPSEIS - Onassis Stegi 2006- 2008 Performance Dark and Light (art workshop of the 46th, 47th and 48th Session of the International Olympic Academy for Young Participants). 2004 Mada da yo, multimedia projection – University of Keio in Tokyo with the collaboration of the Japan Foundation, the Greek Embassy in Tokyo and the Greek Film Festival. 2004 Individual exhibition, ASTRA Gallery. 2003 Smallestart – Art Tower Athens. 2003 ALFA Digital - Olympic Ideal. 2003 Exhibition Ex-libris’ (V. Zevgolis Collection) 2003 Triennale d’ estampes petit Format Chamaliers, France. 2002 BALKANKULT, Ex-libris: The bridge Trybel1, Frankourt — Belgrad. 2002 International Biennial of Micrographic Art, Montreal, CANADA. 2002 Swatch Kaleidoscope event - Athens 2004 Olympic Games, Athens. 2002 International Biennale of Micrographic Art, QUEBEC, CANADA. 2001 International Triennial of Engraving, KANAGAWA, Japan. 2001 Individual Painting - Engraving exhibition, Triangle Gallery, Kifisia. 2000 Individual Engraving Exhibition, Japanese Embassy in Athens. 2000 International Biennale of Engraving, Bologna, Italy. 2000 1st Biennale of young artists Heraklion Crete. 1994 Kostis Palamas Building - 10 years of the 2nd Engraving Workshop. 1993 Group exhibition Municipality of Markopoulo. 1993 Youth Biennale Maastricht, Holland. AWARDS - DISTINCTIONS 2018 Grand Gold Medal of philatelic literature, Greek Stamps 1861-1961. History – Ideology – Aesthetics, ITALIA 2018 2016 H. Binos Prize, Greek Stamps 1861-1961. History, Ideology, aesthetics, publ. ELTA, 2016. 2015 4st place Grands Prix de l’ Art Philatélique Belge et Européen 2014 Honorary Member of the European Philatelic Academy, Paris 2014 Third Prize of the European Postal Union for the issue of the stamp series EUROPA-National Traditional Musical Instruments 2013 International Olympic Committee Silver Medal for the issue 2012 London Olympic Games, Lausanne. 2011 First International Prize of ASIAGO Philatelic Art for the issue of EUROPA stamps 2010 - Children's Book. 2002 Selected prize in the 12th International Printing Biennale – Seoul, Korea. 2001 1st Prize in Microengraving, Panhellenic Miniature Exhibition - 36th Dimitria, Thessaloniki. 1994 Commendation from the Jannis & Zoe Spyropoulos Foundation. PUBLICATIONS 2019 The production of stamps in Greece - from the Large Hermes Head to the Commercial Shipping by Tassos, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP) 2018 Academic editing in the documentary series Fingerprints - Stamp, Cosmote tv. 2016 Greek Stamps 1861-1961. History, Ideology, Aesthetics, publ. ELTA, 2016. 2014 XVIII International Congress of the European Committee for Sport History, Commemorative Stamps Issued for the First Modern Olympic Games in Athens (1896); Ideological & Aesthetic Functions. 2014 The work of engraver A. Tassos in Greek stamps, Aesthetic Approach and Aesthetic Accent, Embassy of Cyprus. 2014 By mail: “The stamp as a means of communication and its relation to the dominant ideology”, Panteion University, International Congresses in honor of Louis-Vincent Thomas. 2013 The Greek stamp as an art product, OpusXIII, Académie Européenne de Philatélie, Bruxelles 2013. 2013 Aesthetic approach of Greek stamps, HPS (Hellenic Philatelic Society) 2010 The aesthetics and production of Japanese stamps, Philotelia, no. 665/2010 2010 17th Panhellenic Postgraduate Intensive Conference for PhD candidates on: Research methodology issues in Social Sciences - The stamp as an artistic creation and historical document - University of Crete, School of Social Sciences, Rethymno, Crete. 2009 The culture of the Greek stamp, Hellenic Association of ELTA Philatelists, publ. ELTA, 2010. 2005 History of Japanese stamps, http://www.greecejapan.com/h-istoria-ton-iaponikon-grammatosimon. WORK EXPERIENCE 2018 - 2022 Professor at the Graphic Arts Dept. of the Athens School of Fine Arts. During the period 2020 - 2021 she was a member of the First Tier Classification and Evaluation Committee of the Hellenic Chamber of Fine Arts (EETE) in the Department of Engraving. 1995 - Responsible for the design and supervision of the printing of the Hellenic Post stamps. During this period more than 250 stamps were created. She has also designed covers for books, magazines and CDs, as well as logos. Indicatively, some of the publications: 1900 years since the Book of Revelation, 100 years of Olympic Games, Greek Cinema, International Ocean Year, National Parks – Mount Olympus, 100 years of Greek-Japanese Relations, Maritime Tradition of Greeks, Fading Occupations, Greek Engravers, Olympic Games – London 2012, 100 years since the first climb to Olympus, Modern Greek writers – Prose writers – Poets, From physical to digital mail, EUROPA – children’s book, EUROPA – National musical instruments, Special editions of Mount Athos, Euromed Postal logo, annual volume Opus etc. Her works can be found in public and private collections: Postal Savings Bank, Japanese Embassy in Greece, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, TOYOTA Hellas, Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Finance, Mediterranean Postal Union EUROMED Postal, Académie Européenne de Philatélie, etc. In addition, she works as an academic-technical consultant for the recording and documentation of the archival material of the Philatelic and Postal Museum.